The basic concept is inspired by the saying "don't give me a fish, teach me how to fish". This adage is directly related to the organization's work of empowering beneficiaries to learn.
Brand design
Software used: Adobe Illustrator
Dubai, UAE 2025
The concept is based on the idea of a flock of birds as a guiding way of thinking.
Software used: Adobe Illustrator
Manchester, UK 2024
The concept combines the letter "G", the letter "M" and a gate pictogram.
Software used: Adobe Illustrator
Washington DC, USA 2024
Concept based on the concept of "Naharaim" (two rivers), which used to define the Mittani kingdom that rose in Mesopotamia; the present-day Kurdish region.
Software used: Adobe Illustrator
Berlin, Germany 2023
Brand design for QSMF "Training programme for Syrian experts in German development cooperation development co-operation" (Qualifizierungsmaßnahme für syrische Fachkräfte in der deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit), a project of DSV.
Software used: Adobe Illustrator
Darmstadt, Germany 2023
Concept development & brand design for "Mastabah" (platform), a project by MAUJ. The project name is written in Arabic letters with the plant as a symbol of growth. The colors are inspired by the geographical area where the project is implemented.
Software used: Adobe Illustrator
Damascus, Syria 2023
Brand design for "Gemeinsam durch den Alltagsdschungel in Deutschland" (BB), an intercultural project of DSV.
Software used: Adobe Illustrator
Darmstadt, Germany 2023
Brand design for Lilli Kardouh; Consulting and training for non-profit organisations.
Software used: Adobe Illustrator
Berlin, Germany 2022
Brand design for "Tawazon" (Balance), a project of MAUJ. A bicycle pictogram for the project content with the letter "T" for the for the project name.
Software used: Adobe Illustrator
Damascus, Syria 2021
Concept development & brand desgin for Peace Circuit, a civil society organisation
The concept includes the letters 'P' & 'C' for the initials of the organisation. The letters are represented in a multicoloured pictogram symbolising plurality.
Software used: Adobe Illustrator
Damascus, Syria 2021
Brand design for Freddie Bechara Dental Clinic.
Software used: Adobe Illustrator
Berlin, Germany 2021
Concept development & brand desgin for reelink media.
Software used: Adobe Illustrator
Berlin, Germany 2020
Concept development & brand desgin for MAUJ, a civil society organisation
The concept is based on the illustration of leaves, representing growth in a plural context.
Software used: Adobe Illustrator
Damascus, Syria 2020
Brand design for Akademie der Bildung, Arbeit und Training (abat) 2020-2024
Software used: Adobe Illustrator
Berlin, Germany 2020
Brand desgin for "Masaha" (Space), a project of VDSH. A reflection of the negative space created by the spaces within the Arabic letters of the project name.
Software used: Adobe Illustrator
Berlin, Germany 2020
Brand design for "Well Started - Successfully Arrived" (Gut Gestartet - Erfolgreich Angekommen), a project of TGD, DSV & FÖTED.
Software used: Adobe Illustrator
Darmstadt, Germany 2020
Brand design for "Pink Hug", a project of MAUJ. Colors are inspired from the project name.
Software used: Adobe Illustrator
Damascus, Syria 2020
Brand design for Consulator Business Bonsultancy & Cultural Mediation.
Software used: Adobe Illustrator
Berlin, Germany 2020
Brand design for the European Syrian Civil Society Exchange, a project of the VDSH. An oriental mosaic theme with the Syrian map included.
Software used: Adobe Illustrator
Berlin, Germany 2019
Brand design for Syrbanism
Software used: Adobe Illustrator
Berlin, Germany 2017
Concept development & brand desgin for Kenzi Shoccoccasions.
Software used: Adobe Illustrator
Bochum, Germany 2017
Brand design for Salam Kulturclub. The olive branch representing and spelling out the word "Peace" in Arabic; the name of the organisation: "Salam".
Software used: Adobe Illustrator
Berlin, Germany 2015
Brand design for Alpha Publishing and Alpha Mobile Learning Platform in UAE, UK & USA
Software used: Adobe Illustrator
London, UK 2014
Brand design for Mira Boutique 2013-2021
Software used: Adobe Illustrator
Damascus, Syria 2013
Concept development & brand desgin for Kinder zuerst (Children first) art therapy project 2011-2015
Software used: Adobe Illustrator
Berlin, Germany 2013
Concept development & brand desgin for SHABAB: Strategy Highlighting and Building Abilities for Business, a project of the The Syria Trust for Development 2006-2014
Software used: Adobe Illustrator
Damascus, Syria 2006