ANE parent letters
ANE parent letters
ANE parent letters
ANE parent letters
ANE website
ANE parent video: Prevents sexual abuse
ANE parent video: Raising children without violence
ANE parent info
ANE call for parent letters
ANE call for parent letters
ANE poster
ANE invitation
ANE school newsletter
ANE invitation card
ANE invitation
ANE call for donation
ANE call for donation
ANE invitation
ANE check list
Parent letters

ANE accompanies parents for many generations with its parent letters. They provide answers to many questions about raising children.

No. 1-12: for children under 12 Months

Printed and interactive artwork, German
Software used: Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop

Berlin 2022-2024

Limited edition; Click here to visit the parent letters page

Parent letters

ANE accompanies parents for many generations with its parent letters. They provide answers to many questions about raising children.

No. 13-25: for children under 3 years Months

Printed and interactive artwork, German
Software used: Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop

Berlin 2022-2024

Limited edition; Click here to visit the parent letters page

Parent letters

ANE accompanies parents for many generations with its parent letters. They provide answers to many questions about raising children.

No. 26-38: for children between 3 & 6 years

Printed and interactive artwork, German
Software used: Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop

Berlin 2022-2024

Limited edition; Click here to visit the parent letters page

Parent letters

ANE accompanies parents for many generations with its parent letters. They provide answers to many questions about raising children.

No. 39-46: for children between 6 & 8 years

Printed and interactive artwork, German
Software used: Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop

Berlin 2022-2024

Limited edition; Click here to visit the parent letters page

ANE website:

Website redesign

Web artwork
Software used: Visual Studio Code, Adobe Illustrator, Xd

Berlin 2021

Click to see it in action

Empowering Children - Prevents Sexual Abuse

ANE parent video on empowering and teaching children to handle their own bodies so they can protect them from sexual violence. Because education is key: Children like to learn about their own bodies early on and their first port of call for this is their parents. That’s why, as a parent, you need to be open to answering all your children’s questions, so that they feel comfortable talking to you even at difficult times. In this way, parents not only build trust, but also a closer relationship with their children, ensuring the children don’t feel helpless and alone when faced with any problems or emotional distress.

video graphics in five languages
Software used: Adobe Animate, PremierPro, Illustrator

Berlin 2020

See it in action

Respect Makes Things Better - Raising Children without Wiolence

How can parents successfully raise their children in a non-violent manner? The ANE video "Respect makes things better - Raising children without violence" seeks to answer these questions. Parents and adults too often complain that children don't show them enough respect. But children learn from the adults in their environment – especially their parents. In other words, they imitate the behaviours they observe, and apply them in their own lives.

video graphics in five languages
Software used: Adobe Animate, PremierPro, Illustrator

Berlin 2020

See it in action

Parent info

Raising children without violence: supportive awareness letter

Printed and interactive artwork, German
Software used: Adobe Animate, PremierPro, Illustrator

Berlin 2020

Call for parent letters

ANE accompanies parents for many generations with its parent letters. They provide answers to many questions about raising children.

Printed artwork, German
Software used: Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop

Berlin 2021

Call for parent letters

ANE accompanies parents for many generations with its parent letters. They provide answers to many questions about raising children.

Printed artwork, German
Software used: Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop

Berlin 2020

Call for consultation hour

For Ukrainian and Russian speaking parents in their own language.

Printed artwork, designed in Ukrainian and Rusian
Software used: Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop

Berlin 2022

ANE invitation

Selected ANE artwork.

Printed artwork, designed in five languages
Software used: Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop

Berlin 2021

School newsletter

Children bring the letters home from primary school two to three times a year.

Printed artwork, designed in five languages
Software used: Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop

Berlin 2021

Click here to visit the school newsletters page

ANE call for parent letters

Selected ANE artwork.

Printed artwork, German
Software used: Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop

Berlin 2021

ANE invitation

A workshop about social and psychological consequences of the Corona pandemic on school children.

Printed artwork, German
Software used: Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop

Berlin 2020

Call for donation

Selected ANE artwork.

Printed artwork, German
Software used: Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop

Berlin 2022

Call for donation

Selected ANE artwork.

Printed artwork, German
Software used: Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop

Berlin 2022

ANE invitation

Selected ANE artwork.

Printed artwork, German
Software used: Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop

Berlin 2022

ANE checklist

Selected ANE artwork.

Printed artwork, designed in five languages
Software used: Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop

Berlin 2021